Risotto alle Zucchine (Courgette Risotto)

This is a variation of a classic risotto, in which half of the courgettes are cooked in the rice and the other half are shallow fried until golden and crispy to provide an interesting extra flavour to the final dish.

If you can make your own vegetable stock by gently boiling carrots, onions, celery, salt and pepper for 1 hour, you will be richly rewarded, but you can achieve excellent  results either with a good quality commercial brand or by dissolving a good quality vegetable stock cube in boiling water.

I like to serve this dish as a starter before a main such as sage and onion frittata or eggplant parmigiano for a fully vegetarian dinner. 

Preparation time:  10 minutes             
Cooking time: 30 minutes    
Serves  4

320 grams of Arborio rice
1 litre of vegetable stock heated to boiling point
100 ml of dry white wine
2 courgettes, about 300 grams in weight
1 large shallot, peeled and finely diced
100 grams of unsalted butter
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
70 grams of grated parmigiano
Salt and pepper to taste

Slice one of the courgettes in half lengthways and then slice each half in half so you have 4 long spears
Slice the courgette spears every 5-6 mm  so you have rough cubes
Slice the other courgette in half then slice each half every 3 mm into half moon shapes
Heat the extra virgin olive oil over medium flame and fry the courgette cubes until they are crispy and golden, about 5 minutes, then reserve
Heat the butter over medium flame and fry the diced shallot until soft and translucent, abut 3 minutes 
Heat the vegetable stock until it is simmering
Add the rice and  fry until warmed through, about 2 minutes
Add the white wine and stir gently until it is creamy and virtually evaporated
Start adding the simmering vegetable stock a ladleful at a time, continuing to stir, until the rice is creamy and fully cooked, about 20 minutes
Add the courgette half moons and stir for 1-2 minutes until cooked but retaining a crunch
Add the grated parmigiano and mix well
Plate up 4 portions and sprinkle with the fried courgette cubes
Serve with a crisp white wine such as Orvieto Classico or Pomino Bianco

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