Involtini di Vitello al Ragù  (Stuffed Veal Escalope Rolls with Tomato Sauce)

Variations of this recipe can be found all over Italy (and  parts of Provence), and it is a classic example of la cucina povera, (“poor cuisine”),  making food go further with cheap but nutritious ingredients. In this case, making a  delicious and filling  meal out of a small amount of protein.  Some versions call forContinue reading “Involtini di Vitello al Ragù  (Stuffed Veal Escalope Rolls with Tomato Sauce)”

Poulet au Cidre (Chicken cooked in Cider)

This is another classic Normandy recipe, combining the butter, cream and cider for which the region is famous.   Some recipes call for Calvados (apple brandy) to be added, but for me this is a waste of a good digestif, adding nothing to the flavour of the apples and cider. Artisanal French cider, from NormandyContinue reading “Poulet au Cidre (Chicken cooked in Cider)”

Magret de Canard à la  Crème de Cassis et Framboises (Duck Breast with  Blackcurrant Liqueur and Raspberry Sauce)

This is yet another great duck breast and fruit recipe,  variations of which are served in bistrots and brasseries throughout France.  This dish originates in Burgundy, combining local Point Noir wine with intensely flavoured Crème de Cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)  from Dijon and plump local raspberries in season, the slightly sweet and sour note of theContinue reading “Magret de Canard à la  Crème de Cassis et Framboises (Duck Breast with  Blackcurrant Liqueur and Raspberry Sauce)”

Salade Tiède d’Artichaux et  Encornets  (Warm Salad of Artichokes and Squid)

This is another Provençal recipe which combines fresh squid from the Mediterranean with local artichokes, herbs and white wine.   It is essential to use the small artichokes that are grown in the South of France, particularly the purple variety because globe artichokes are not tender enough. For the squid, avoid pre-prepared tubes as theyContinue reading “Salade Tiède d’Artichaux et  Encornets  (Warm Salad of Artichokes and Squid)”