Carré di Vitello Arrosto (Roast  Loin of Veal)

This is the classic way of roasting choice cuts of meat in the Central Italian  provinces of Lazio, Umbria and Toscana. Sometimes fennel is added, and this gives it a flavour similar to Porchetta, but it works just as well with garlic and the rosemary that grows wildly and so abundantly in this part ofContinue reading “Carré di Vitello Arrosto (Roast  Loin of Veal)”

Kofta  Kebabs   

These delicious kebabs are widely considered to have originated in Persia, and are now popular throughout the Eastern  Mediterranean and South Asia. The difference between Shish and Kofta Kebabs is that the former are made with chunks of whole lamb, while the latter are made with minced lamb. They are very simple to make, consistingContinue reading “Kofta  Kebabs   “

Baba Ghanoush (Creamed Eggplant with Tahini)

This is another dish from the Eastern side of the Mediterranean, originating in Lebanon and served throughout the Middle East as part of the Mezze  (starters) portion of lunch or dinner.  It is simple  to make, and tastes just as good whether the eggplant is grilled over charcoal embers or directly on top of aContinue reading “Baba Ghanoush (Creamed Eggplant with Tahini)”