Escalopes de Veau à la Crème avec ses Röstis (Veal escalopes with cream and mushroom sauce and Rösti potatoes)

Variations of this popular dish are found throughout  France  and Switzerland, where it is widely considered to have originated. The addition of a cream and mushroom sauce is a classic way of making expensive veal stretch a lot further with cheaper ingredients, and together they make a delicious  comfort food.   Rösti , which meansContinue reading “Escalopes de Veau à la Crème avec ses Röstis (Veal escalopes with cream and mushroom sauce and Rösti potatoes)”

Brochettes de Fruits de Mer (Barbecued Seafood Skewers)

Variations of this recipe are  found throughout the Mediterranean and it is one of the best ways to cook freshly landed seafood, showcasing the delicious flavour of the seafood itself, complemented either by a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon, or in this case by a classic salmoriglio sauce.   Fresh seafoodContinue reading “Brochettes de Fruits de Mer (Barbecued Seafood Skewers)”

Calamaretti Farciti alla Brace (Grilled Stuffed Baby Squid)

This dish is very popular in Italy’s  coastal towns and cities, and like so much of Italy’s wonderful cuisine, it consists of a small number of inexpensive ingredients cooked to delicious perfection. It works best with baby squid, not more than 4-5 cms in length, so that in the time it takes to cook theContinue reading “Calamaretti Farciti alla Brace (Grilled Stuffed Baby Squid)”

Shakshuka  (Eggs in Tomato Sauce)

Shakshuka is a famous dish  from the North African side of the Mediterranean. It is thought  to have originated in Tunisia,  but is very popular throughout the Maghreb and the Eastern Mediterranean, and  is considered a national dish in Israel.  It is easy and quick to make from inexpensive ingredients including tomatoes, capsicum (bell pepper),Continue reading “Shakshuka  (Eggs in Tomato Sauce)”

Orata al Sale (Sea Bream Baked in Salt) 

Roasting in salt is one of the best ways to cook the freshest of whole fish, as the salt forms an airtight seal, ensuring that the fish is beautifully tender and moist with no loss of flavour during the cooking process.  You can cook any whole white fish with this method, and it works especiallyContinue reading “Orata al Sale (Sea Bream Baked in Salt) “