Frutti di Mare in Cartoccio (Seafood in Parcels)

This elegant dish  is thought to originate in the Naples area of Southern Italy but it is served at restaurants all  along Italy’s long coastlines.   Making a sealed bag out of oven paper creates the perfect airtight cooking environment to extract all the flavour from the freshest seafood as it cooks in its ownContinue reading “Frutti di Mare in Cartoccio (Seafood in Parcels)”

Spaghetti all’Astice (Spaghetti with Lobster Sauce)

This wonderful dish is said to originate in the Naples area, but variations of it can be found in restaurants all along Italy’s 7,500 kilometres of coastline. Throughout  Italy it’s usually made in summer with  the ripest cherry tomatoes and fresh whole  lobster, but it can also be made as in this case with ItalianContinue reading “Spaghetti all’Astice (Spaghetti with Lobster Sauce)”

Carne alla Brace (Mixed Grill)

This quick and easy recipe will transform the way you barbecue meat.  It comes from Central Italy, where  top quality meat is marinated in abundant wild herbs with garlic and olive oil,  and then gently grilled over charcoal. This classic marinade is  made from exactly the same herbs – wild fennel and rosemary – thatContinue reading “Carne alla Brace (Mixed Grill)”

Melanzane Impanate Fritte con Aioli (Breaded Eggplant with Garlic Mayonnaise)

Eggplant (aubergine) is a very versatile vegetable which can be stuffed, baked,  used in pasta sauces such as alla Norma or in this recipe fried in breadcrumbs and served with Aioli, which means garlic mayonnaise. I had a similar dish to this recently in acclaimed chef Guy Grossi’s new restaurant Ombra on Bourke Street InContinue reading “Melanzane Impanate Fritte con Aioli (Breaded Eggplant with Garlic Mayonnaise)”