Arroz Negro con Calamares y Gambas (Black  Paella with Squid and Prawns)

This is a delicious variation of the traditional Paella Valenciana recipe, using squid ink instead of the onion, capsicum, tomato and saffron  based sofrito that gives paella its colour and flavour. Strictly speaking only the latter can be called paella, but high end Spanish restaurants translate Arroz Negro (literally black rice) as black paella, so whoContinue reading “Arroz Negro con Calamares y Gambas (Black  Paella with Squid and Prawns)”

Garganelli with Ragù di polpette (pasta with meatball sauce)

This is not be confused with “spaghetti with meatballs”, an American invention which most Italians would find slightly troubling because it combines two courses into one.  This, by contrast, is another classic Italian 2 course meal made from slow cooking  meat and serving pasta in the resulting sauce as a first course. In this caseContinue reading “Garganelli with Ragù di polpette (pasta with meatball sauce)”

Fettuccine al Ragù di Anatra (Fettuccine with Duck Sauce) and Anatra in Umido (Braised Duck)

This 2 course meal is a classic “two for the price of one” recipe and variations of it are eaten throughout Italy over relaxed and languid Sunday lunches surrounded by family and friends. Braising meat in wine, tomatoes and herbs is a classic way of tenderising older or tougher cuts, and the addition of relativelyContinue reading “Fettuccine al Ragù di Anatra (Fettuccine with Duck Sauce) and Anatra in Umido (Braised Duck)”

Arroz con  Calamares (Rice with squid and peppers)

This is another Spanish rice dish in the tradition of Paella and Arroz Verde.  Rice was introduced to Spain in the 8th  century by the Arab Moors, from North Africa.  Like Italian risotto rice, it is a short grain relative of Riz Japonica and this dish is popular in coastal areas where squid is plentifulContinue reading “Arroz con  Calamares (Rice with squid and peppers)”

Risotto al Limone (Lemon Risotto)

Rice has been grown in northern Italy since the 15th century when cultivars of Riz Japonica  – a short grain high starch rice –  were introduced to the wetlands of Tuscany, most likely via Spain, and later to Lombardy.  Today it is extensively grown in the Po Valley of Northern Italy, and while predominantly eatenContinue reading “Risotto al Limone (Lemon Risotto)”