Penne with salami and cream sauce

This is a variation of Penne alla Norcina, invented out of necessity with the belated discovery of a Saucisson (small salami) that had been in the fridge too long and had dried out. Rather than throw it away, I cut the skin off and using a heavy cleaver carefully minced  it into  small pieces, beforeContinue reading “Penne with salami and cream sauce”

Tarte à l’Oignon d’Alsace (Alsace Onion Tart)

This Alsace speciality is another great example of France’s classic culinary tradition of savoury open tarts. Alsace is France’s easternmost Département which over several centuries has variously been part of France and part of Germany. Today it is proudly French with underlying German influence, and is well worth a visit for its picturesque towns andContinue reading “Tarte à l’Oignon d’Alsace (Alsace Onion Tart)”

Tarte fine à la tomate (Roast tomato tart)

This dish is part of France’s  classic tradition  of savoury tarts, made both in home kitchens and small family run restaurants or bistros throughout France.   Like so much of French  cuisine, it is very seasonal,  requiring the ripest of fresh summer tomatoes, which together with all butter pastry, crème fraîche and mustard make forContinue reading “Tarte fine à la tomate (Roast tomato tart)”

Chou-fleur au gratin (cauliflower gratin)

In France this simple but delicious and quick dish is served both as a rich accompanying vegetable, and sometimes as a standalone light vegetarian meal. The humble cauliflower, a member of the brassica family, is much maligned – but only because it is so often boiled whole and overcooked, rendering it soft, mushy and slightlyContinue reading “Chou-fleur au gratin (cauliflower gratin)”