Seppie Ripiene al Sugo (Stuffed squid in tomato sauce)

This dish, which originates in the southern Italian province of Puglia,  can be found all over Italy’s  Adriatic and Mediterranean coasts.  It is a classic example of Italian “cucina povera” – literally “cuisine of the poor”, the art of making expensive ingredients go a long way  with cheap ingredients such as  breadcrumbs made from yesterday’sContinue reading “Seppie Ripiene al Sugo (Stuffed squid in tomato sauce)”

Côtes de porc au cidre (Pork chops in cider)

This is a classic Normandy recipe, reflecting the abundance of apples in a region currently  too far north to make wine. Pork and apples have a great affinity, and there are multiple recipes for this classic dish. I prefer to keep it simple, using only high quality organic pork chops on the bone, garlic, cabbage,Continue reading “Côtes de porc au cidre (Pork chops in cider)”

Zucchine ripiene (stuffed courgettes) 

Stuffed vegetables are a classic in French and Italian cuisine, generally served as an antipasto or a side dish.  However they also make a terrific vegetarian alternative for a main course,  something not too dissimilar to the roast meat or fish that everyone else is eating.   I like to use basil to flavour thisContinue reading “Zucchine ripiene (stuffed courgettes) “