Spaghettis à la Bastiaise

This unusual pasta recipe comes from Bastia in the  French Département of Corsica which was once ruled by the pre-Italian Republic of Genova.  Bastia is the largest city in the north of the island, and although geographically  closer to Tuscany, it is the main ferry port for travel to the Côte d’Azure.   This dish Continue reading “Spaghettis à la Bastiaise”

Spaghetti with cherry tomato and zucchine (courgette) sauce

Zucchine (courgettes) are a very versatile vegetable that can be cooked in all manner of interesting ways, including finely julienned, dredged in flour and deep fried as a low carb alternative to chips. In this simple but tasty recipe the diced zucchine give a pleasing flavour and body to a classic tomato sauce made with theContinue reading “Spaghetti with cherry tomato and zucchine (courgette) sauce”

Confiture de Coings (Quince Marmalade)

As autumn takes hold in the southern hemisphere, quinces are now briefly in season. The quince is a member of the Rosaceae family which includes apples and pears, and the fruit resembles large and misshapen bright yellow apples (See Fig. 1 below), often covered with a soft down and strongly perfumed with a very pleasantContinue reading “Confiture de Coings (Quince Marmalade)”